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  • PHP version 8.0 or higher.
  • Laravel version 9.0 or higher.
  • Terminal for accessing Runtype via the Laravel command line interface (CLI - Artisan).


You can install this package via composer:

$ composer require vagebond/runtype


To instruct Laravel Runtype to generate a Typescript file, run the following command in your terminal:

$ php artisan runtype:generate


You can publish the Runtype config file with:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag="runtype-config"

The default configuration file for Runtype looks like this:


use Carbon\Carbon;
use Carbon\CarbonImmutable;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\JsonResource;
use Vagebond\Runtype\Converters\ModelConverter;
use Vagebond\Runtype\Converters\ResourceConverter;
use Vagebond\Runtype\Processors\ModelProcessor;
use Vagebond\Runtype\Processors\ResourceProcessor;

return [
     * The paths where runtype will look for resources
    'auto_discover_paths' => [

     * Hooks allow you to add custom logic to the generation process
     * Each hook must implement the Vagebond\Runtype\Contracts\Hookable interface
     * i.e. you can use the before hook to setup specific settings for your environment
     * like logging in a user, setting a tenant etc.
     * You can also use the after hook to do some cleanup or to format the generated
     * typescript file
    'hooks' => [
        // 'App\Hooks\SetupEnvironmentHook',

     * Indicate how you would like your entities to be processed
     * you can choose a subclass or an interface
    'processors' => [
        JsonResource::class => ResourceProcessor::class,
        Model::class => ModelProcessor::class,

     * Indicate how you would like your entities to be converted
     * into Typescript types
    'converters' => [
        JsonResource::class => ResourceConverter::class,
        Model::class => ModelConverter::class,

     * There are certain situations where runtype can't determine the
     * required settings for a resource, i.e. when conditionally loading attributes,
     * You can use a modifier to set the required settings on your model so our
     * resource generator can detect them.
    'modifiers' => [
        // 'App\Models\MyModel' => 'App\Modifiers\MyModelModifier',

     * In your classes, you sometimes have types that should always be replaced
     * by the same TypeScript representations. For example, you can replace a
     * Datetime always with a string. You define these replacements here.

    'type_replacements' => [
        DateTime::class => 'string',
        DateTimeImmutable::class => 'string',
        // CarbonImmutable::class => 'string',
        Carbon::class => 'string',

     * runtype will write the generated Typescript to this file
    'output_file' => resource_path('types/runtype.d.ts'),